Thursday, April 14, 2011

70 times 7?

In Matthew 18 Jesus tells Peter to forgive a person 70 times 7 times.  Peter was fairly proud of himself for coming to terms with the possibility of forgiving 7 times.  Where would we be today if Jesus only forgave us 7 times?  I think we all know the answer to that!  The teaching in the bible on the subject of forgiveness is very clear.  In the Lord's prayer we see where Jesus taught us to pray "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"  The implication here is that in order for us to receive the gift of forgiveness from Jesus, we must forgive others. 

I had done a lot of teaching on this topic.  One thing I always emphasize is that forgiveness is for the benefit of the forgiver not the other way around.  The person who you are forgiving may not even know they have hurt you or maybe they do not even care.  Holding someone in unforgiveness ensures that you are held captive by it, it eventually turns into bitterness and before you know it there is a stronghold in your life that threatens your relationship with Christ. 

By the way, holding ourselves in unforgivenss is sinful as well.  If we ask Jesus to forgive us and he does, how is it that we can hold ourselves in unforgiveness?  Are we greater than Him?  We must not allow the devil to use unforgiveness as a tool to hinder our walk with Jesus.

Lord, help us to truly submit to you today.  If there is bitterness and unforgiveness in our hearts will you please let us remember the work you did on the cross.  Help us to turn these things loose and trust you with them.  We know that it is your will for us to live in peace and harmony and love like you love.  we can only do that with your help Lord.  Amen.

Waiting on Him,

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