Ok, not really going to tell the story of the 3 little pigs here today. But, the end result could be the same in your life story. Everything in Hollywood is based on good vs. evil. Our spiritual life is no different. We have to undrstand what happened in the garden to grasp this but just work with me here a little. It is safe to say that we are sinful by nature and we have a real opposing force (satan) that would like nothing more than to destroy us, our family, our life etc. We also have an amazing father in heaven who loves us so much that he sent his only son to die so we could spend eternity in heaven. End of story right? No, we have work to do here under the authority of the holy spirit which lives within us if we have a relationship with Christ. So, as we go about our daily lives we are to be impacting others because of what He did for us. Are you with me so far?
So, we have a choice in how we live. We can try to do it on our own and suffer from a modern condition known as "EPIC FAIL" or we can surrender our lives daily, (Hourly if needed) to Christ and allow His spirit to lead us. we in and of ouselves have NOTHING to offer. Our righteousness comes from HIM and only HIM. Now, back to the title, there is no big bad wolf that will blow your house down, but Matthew 7:24-27 tells us if we build our house (OUR LIFE) on sand (the world standard) it will crumble and fall due to the storms of life. If we build our house (OUR LIFE) on rock (Christ) than we will endure the storms of life. The storms will come, THEY WILL COME. Will you be ready?
God, I pray that you will lead us by your spirit. Grant us wisdonm and insight as we build our lives centered on you, the sure foundation. Thank you for your promises which you never break. Thank you for your Son and for the cross.
Waiting on Him,