Hang in there with me for a minute.
Everyday I drive into my subdivision and I see yard after yard. There are some that are lush and green and well manicured and just a sight to behold. Most at this time are a drab shade of brown, slightly unkempt. Then there is mine, dead as a hammer. It is beginning to look like a dirt lot. If I were to water it, (which I don't to conserve water) I would have to water 6 hours a day to keep up with the heat. So, I made a decision to let it be and come what may. As it turns out, a dead lawn is my reward. I am OK with that for now. I got excited earlier this week because of a couple of pretty heavy rain storms. More rain than we have seen in months. I thought for a moment that maybe my lawn would revive, but it does not look promising.
Is your faith dried up and dying or maybe even already dead? Do you find that it is just easier to let the cards fall where they will? Did you know that just like an occasional rain shower will not provide sufficient moisture for my lawn, an occasional trip to church on Sunday morning will not nourish your soul? You cannot expect to be in fellowship with Jesus if you do not position yourself to be fed. The bible is very clear in Hebrews 10:25 that we are to be in fellowship with other believers.
Here at Grace Community Church we have a heart to see people who love Jesus minister to other people who love Jesus. We also have a heart to teach those that do not know Him personally, how to have a vibrant and eternal relationship with Jesus, the King of the Universe and the Savoir of us all. Do not be satisfied with just getting dripped on occasionally, align with a local body of believers that teaches about Jesus Christ and allow yourself to be drenched by the Holy Spirit so that you may produce spiritual fruit that builds up the kingdom. After all, that it what we are supposed to be doing while we wait in His return. Are you ready? He is ready for you!
Hebrews 10:23-25
23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. 24And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.