As I am praying this morning and reading in Matthew I have mixed feelings while thinking about Jesus riding in on a donkey. My first thought is, why is the king of the universe forced to ride on a mule, (sorry donkey, you are kind of a beast of burden creature) It seems that He should be on some huge powerful steed befitting the power and might of a KING. Then I am reminded about what we read in Matthew 20 about the first being last. What an amazing God we serve! I am glad that He is in charge. How do you see Him today?
As we continue to celebrate through this Holy Week, where does the Risen King of the Universe fit into your life? Have you taken time to consider what He did for us on the cross? See, He once rode in on a donkey but when He returns He will return on that white horse. Revelation 19:11 tells us that the one sitting on that white horse is called "faithful and true". Are you ready?
God as we celebrate Easter this week, help us to understand the magnitude of your suffering on our behalf. Help us Jesus to be mindful of the life promised to us because of that suffering. Would you give us the opportunity and the courage to tell others of this great love and invite them to worship with us on Sunday as we celebrate the Risen Savior. Thank you for the cross. Thank you for loving us even when we don't deserve it. Amen.
Waiting on Him,