... There was a savior named Jesus that walked on the earth as a man. While He was here he used to tell His followers stories as a means of communicating and teaching them. Have you read Matthew chapter 13 lately? It is slap full of these stories or parables as they are called. See, Jesus knew that not everyone had their heart in the right place to hear and learn from His teachings. According to verse 15 some hearts are so calloused that they "hardly hear with their ears and hardly see with their eyes". Another thing that is true about Jesus' teaching with parables, though difficult to understand at times they all led to one place- TRUTH.
As I read through here this morning I was prompted to reflect on how I got to where I am today. It has been an incredible journey. The thing that rings so loudly in my mind is that if there had not been people praying for me, encouraging me and sharing the gospel with me, I may be in the same position as the weeds that were harvested with the wheat in verses 24-30. It is for this reason that we must remember our responsibility to share the gospel of Christ. Scripture is very clear about the consequences of living without Christ. If we don't tell, who will?
God, will you help us to be courageous today and every day in our sharing of the good news. Help us to learn from your teachings in your word and to seek you and your will for our lives. Thank you that we don't have to do anything but be willing and you will do the rest. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who guides us (when we allow) and thank you for the cross. Amen.
... And they (Those that have Him as savior) live happily ever after... FOREVER
Waiting on Him,