Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new!

I cannot believe that so much time has passed since my last post.  I have truly missed sharing my heart and fully intend to be more consistent in the coming year.  So much has happened in my life since I last posted on here.  In addition, I find myself in these last few days of 2011 reflecting on this past year.  In doing so, I am reminded of so many things.  I think of the victories, the defeats, the successes, the failures, the times of rejoicing and the times of sadness.  I am reminded of how in every situation, God has been ever present.  Why am I surprised at this?  His word tells that ... "Behold, I am with you always, even until the end of the age" (Matt. 28:20)  See, Jesus promises to be with us through the good and the bad.  We have a responsibility to learn from our mistakes.  We need to make sure that as we enter into this NEW YEAR, that we are firmly rooted in our relationship with Jesus.  It is in this relationship that we find the peace, strength, wisdom and other provision to live a Godly life.

I challenge you this week to reflect on this past year.  Spend some time, alone with God and ask Him to remind and reveal things to you.  Maybe you need to commit or recommit to spend time with Him each day, crying out to Him, surrendering to Him.  Maybe you need to start being that spiritual leader in your home and be the example that your family needs to help them in their walk with Christ.  Maybe you need to find a place in your local church where you can get plugged in and use your gifts to build up the kingdom.  Maybe you need to be more intentional about sharing Jesus with others, not just with your mouth but with your feet.  Maybe you need to be a better steward with the resources you have been given such as time, money and talent.  Maybe you need to get plugged into a small group so that you can build up others and others can build you up.  As for me... I need to consider all of these areas.

There is just something about a new year that commands a renewed perspective.  It just seems natural to take an inventory of our lives and determine what we need to do better and more effectively.  I am not sure about you, but I am thankful for a God that offers new mercies and new blessings each day.  Let's make sure we honor Him with how we live our lives in 2012 and for the remaining time we have until He comes for us...  If you are unsure about where you will spend eternity, please contact me as soon as possible, I would be honored to share how Jesus saved me and how He wants to do the same for you.

Waiting on Him,

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