Wednesday, April 13, 2011

95, 96, 97, 98, 99 Sheep

No, I am not trying to put you to sleep by having you count sheep. (That rhymed!)  Remember when you used to sing "Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so".  Well, I was saved at 23 so I did not really learn that song until I was an adult, however I have wondered how many children have looked for the passage of scripture that says... "Johhny, (Insert your name here) I love you.  Sincerely, Jesus.  Well, the song says that the bible tells us that right? 

I am finding that the more I read God's word and the more I spend time with Him, the more I find passages of scripture that say, "Hey you, with the big bald head and bushy gray beard- I love you.  Always have, always will.  Sincerely, Jesus."  As I was continuing my study in Matthew today I found myself in chapter 18.  After having the back of my cranium rearranged on the topic of pride I read on to verse 10 about the lost sheep.  I was reminded that Jesus loves me so much that He would leave behind 99 others to come after me.  Doesn't that scream, "I love you!"  We serve an awesome God. 

God, will you help us to rejoice in your love today, knowing that if we were the only one, you would have still died for us.  Thank you for the work you did on the cross and for your expression of love through your word.  Help us to live in humility today as we seek you.  Amen.

Waiting on Him,