Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Little Mission Team that Could!

I cannot imagine that it is already Thursday.  This week is flying by.  Yesterday was a great and very productive work day.  It was hotter than Tuesday but our kids kept right on working.  I am amazed at the work ethic they have.  Several of them took an opportunity to go inside to visit with Mrs. Dockery, the widow we are serving.  She is so sweet and the kids have enjoyed talking with her and hearing about her life.
Last night was so full of Jesus!  The guys and the girls were separated for our teaching and worship time.  I am not sure what the girls talked about but the guys were given some very hard truths and some very practical tools to live a life in pursuit of holiness.  Some of the information and statistics that were shared were very difficult to hear.  We were challenged to continue to wage war on our sin and on our flesh. We were challenged to guard our eyes from things cause men to stumble.  We were challenged to be in accountability relationships so that we can have help in this battle.  We ended our night in our small groups and had an opportunity to hear from one of our counselors about how he is helping a close friend win this battle.  We also agreed to take steps in order to minimize our exposure to anything that can challenge our integrity.

Today is our last work day and it will be a very challenging and fulfilling day.  Everyone is tired and some are very sore.  I am so proud of our kids and am excited to be a part of their lives and a part of this trip. Tomorrow we play!  White Water rafting trip begins at 10:00am.

Would you pray for us today?  Pray that we would be strengthened.  Pray that God will grant an extra measure of endurance and energy today.  Please also pray for the health of our team.  We have a couple of girls who have not felt well.  I am praying God would have them healed this morning.  Pray that we will continue to have opportunities to reflect Christ in all that we do.  Pray that any of our team who is holding back or waiting for the right time to surrender to Jesus would trust Him with their whole life today!  Thanks for your prayers this week.  They are certainly being felt.  Thanks for keeping up with the blog.

Waiting on Him,