Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Is your faith shipwrecked?  Have you lost control and run aground?  Maybe you have lost the ability to control the direction you are heading and you are headed for a disaster.  As I am reading in Acts about Paul's journey to Rome, I cannot help but think about how easy it is to take things into our own hands and ignore the leading of those who may know more than us.  This type of prideful behavior is the equivalent of taking a ship out to sea when your only experience comes from playing a sailing game on your Wii or Nintendo.  I like to do things my own way and at times I struggle with taking direction and leadership from others, even when I know they have more knowledge, wisdom and experience than I do.  Can you relate to this type of thinking?

In Acts chapter 27 we read about this trip that Paul is taking aboard Alexandrian ship headed for Italy.  Paul warned the captain that things were not going to end well and yet they pressed on.  In the end, they ended up throwing everything overboard even as Paul promised them that God would not harm even a hair on their head.  As usual, God kept His promise.  Go read the rest of the story.

How about you?  Do you have some baggage and cargo that you need to throw overboard?  Are there things in your life that are contributing to your impending shipwreck?  Get rid of them!  God desires to bring you gently to a place of peace in your life.  If you are willing to surrender all to Him, He will do just that.  Don't resist, give it up.  Paul told his fellow sailors in Acts 27:25- "So keep up your courage men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as He told me"  God, the creator of the universe keeps His promises, I have faith that He will rescue YOU from whatever storm you are in.  Do you have that same faith?

Waiting on Him,

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