Friday, June 3, 2011

Hang on For Life

Can you believe that we are in Day 3 of camp?  Why is it that 1 week of schools seems to drag on for 3 ½ months and 1 week of camp goes by in less than 15 minutes?  I am not ready for it to be over.  I am not ready for us to go back home and get back into our same old routines.  I am not ready to stop living life by the lake with the boats, tubes, skis and kayaks.  I am certainly not ready to leave the relationships that I have been allowed to build here, or the worship and teaching we have experienced. But, we have responsibilities and lives back in Rincon so tomorrow we will have our final session and head home.  So…, what are you going to do differently when you get back home?  Will you continue the sale old ways, doing the same old things, thinking the same old thoughts and living the same old life?  Or, will you take to heart what you have heard this week?  Will you remember those passages from Galatians, John, Matthew, Acts and others?  Will you apply these principles in your life?

As I was driving the boat yesterday and pulling the kids around on tubes, floats and hot dogs I began to think about how similar our walk with Christ is to being behind the boat.  See, there are a number of factors that determine how long the ride will last.  There is the condition of the water, the speed of the boat, the skills of the driver (Mine were great), other riders.  In life, we are faced with rough waters making a relationship with Christ difficult.  Jesus is driving the boat and He has all the needed skills.  Others in life can either encourage and build up or they can move around and make the tube get flipped over.   See, you need to keep your eyes firmly fixed on the driver and regardless of what circumstances are, HANG ON FOR LIFE!  Just know, when you get flung off and shot across the water, Jesus will circle around and pick you up.
mr mike  

1 comment:

  1. Love the analogy. The last time I was slung off a float behind a jet ski (thank you Stan Brown), complete panic set in because I was afraid of what was in the water surrounding me that I couldn't see! Thank goodness, that Jesus, being the Master fisherman that He is, knows everything that's in the water I find myself sometimes flailing in. And He is, as you said, quick to circle round and pick me up! :)
