Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mud Puddle!

So, last night we had decided that after bible study that there would be a serious game of Ultimate Frisbee.  (This was determined on Sunday morning)  About 5:30 yesterday evening the sky turned loose and it poured!  Now, we have been unseasonably dry and the rain was certainly a welcome sight.  About 5:33 my cell phone started blowing up with calls and txt msgs.  Everyone wanted to know if we were still going to play ultimate.  See, I was not planning to play in the first place so I said, absolutely, game on.  This response was met with much enthusiasm.  The rain continued to pour and in they came for bible study dressed in thier best worst clothes prepared for a game of ultimate slip and slide frisbee, in the mud and muck.  I firmly believe if asked, those who played would gladly play again in the same circumstances.  See, our kids love to play ultimate frisbee, they love each other and they love Jesus.  Sometimes, love requires us to get messy.  But its worth it.

See, Jesus loves us so much that He was willing to get as messy as need be in order to show His love for us.  Are there people in your life who you love and minister to that require you to get messy from time to time?  Many years ago my wife and I led a small group and I remember my pastor at the time telling me, "Mikey, when you are messing with sheep, sometimes you get sheep stuff on ya!"  I have never forgotten.  But it is so worth it to see the transformation that occurs when we allow Jesus to use us to proclaim the truth of His gospel message.  Even when we get messy in the process.

Be encouraged today to worry less about your mess and more about how you can point others to Christ.  Remember, we have an obligation to be salt and light!

Matthew 5:13-16  (NKJV)

13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Waiting on Him,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Welcome to Wal-Mart!

When you walk into Wal-Mart or any other business that staffs a greeter to stand at the door and greet incoming customers, how do you respond?  Can you even begin to imagine the variety of responses they may receive in a given day?  I suspect that the reactions range from joyful all the way to down right mean.  This is just an assumption and not a scientific experiment.  As I consider this question, I am pondering how I personally react and respond when greeted by someone.  This causes me to expand my thought process into how I treat others like the cashier, or other customers who may be in my way while trying to look at the hot sauce shelf.  Maybe it is the customer walking down the middle of the parking lot while I am trying to get a vacant spot close to the store.  I then go on to consider how I react to the car that needs to make a last minute lane change to execute a right turn in front of me while en route.  Now I am ready just forget about writing this blog and find something else to do because I am feeling very convicted about how I even treat my family sometimes, and others I care deeply about.

Why is that that we (OK, I) have a tendency to forget the joy of salvation in Christ and treat people with such a sour attitude?  Are we not called to be imitators of Christ? (Ephesians 5:1- "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children")  How are we (OK, I) supposed to effectively share the gospel of Christ if I struggle treating others with a loving heart?  Aha- It is a heart issue.  OK, I already knew this but needed a strenuous reminder this morning.  As I was doing my quiet time this morning and reading in a book called Pursuit of Holiness, (We are doing a youth bible study using this book. You should check it out) I was reminded that I need to understand the holiness of Christ and His desire to manifest that holiness in me to the extent that I am willing to submit to Him.  See, if I get too caught up in my own life, if I allow the things of this world to take my eyes off of Him, if I let the burdens of life prevent me from spending time with Him then my holiness, which is not mine but His, begins to wane.  When that happens, my joy of salvation begins to fade and I develop a sorry attitude which prompts me to treat others poorly. 

Bottom line is that I do not want to do this!  I want everyday to be about serving my savior!  I want to bring honor and glory to Him through all I say, think and do!  I want others to see Him living in and through me!  I can't do it alone! HE MUST DO IT THROUGH ME!  I MUST BE SUBJECT TO HIM!.

How about you?  How do you treat the greeter at Wal-Mart?  How are you expressing the joy of your salvation?  How is your daily one on one relationship with the savior?  How are you doing with the daily challenge from Monday?  God never misses an opportunity to bless the obedience of His people!

Waiting on Him,

Monday, June 27, 2011

Take a Number!

Well, the inevitable Monday is upon us.  For most it is the start of the work week.  I usually try to take Monday's off but decided I needed to be in the office for a while today.  As I am praying this morning, I am struggling with how easy it is to drift away from what happened on Sunday and slip back into a routine that does not really include Jesus.  There are tasks to complete, deadlines, obligations, demands, responsibilities, and other "things" that compete for my time, energy and attention.  Can you relate?  The thing is, not all of these things are even bad or ungodly.  I am not talking about overtly sinful things, I am talking about real life day to day things that we as kids, adults, spouses and parents are called to do.  But the problem lies in how I prioritize those things.  Yes, see now I am going to get personal and maybe even step on some toes.  Life is not easy, we were not promised easy. James 1 in fact promised troubles.  What we MUST understand as a follower of Christ is that He wants our 100% devotion.  He is not interested in our leftovers. (Although, He accepts them if that is all we offer)  He does not want the obligatory 5 minute prayer as we fade off to sleep after pouring ourselves into the day. (Although, He listens if that is all we offer)  His desire is that we wake up with Him in mind, and offer Him the first part of our day.  How can we claim to desire His will for our lives if we don't even take the time to find out what that is?  How can we claim to walk in His power if we do not allow Him an opportunity to impart that power upon us. 

See, the thing is, too often I want to ask God to bless what I am doing when really I am supposed to DO what He is blessing.  I used to think that when I went into full time ministry I would spend hours in prayer and study and reading God's word each day.  I envisioned a complete transformation of how I would spend my days.  Surprise, even in ministry there are distractions and time hogs that I have allowed to trip me up and sabotage my time with my savior.  I have allowed too many things to come between Him and I.  I want to ask you to join me this week in a challenge.  Will you commit to begin your day by submitting to the Father?  Will you start each day by acknowledging Him, and spending time with Him?  I commit to do that this week and to not let anything come between me and that time with my savior.  Maybe you already have a set time each morning and that is an area you have given over to the Lord.  Will you pray for those of us that struggle in this area.  Pray that we would learn to discern between the urgent and the important.  Pray that we would stop asking God to take a number in order to spend time with us.  I hope you are encouraged today.  I would love to hear some feedback.

Psalm 118:24 says "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it".  Will you rejoice and be glad today?

Waiting on Him,

Friday, June 24, 2011

Is your Lawn Green?

Those of us living in Southeast Georgia can attest to the extreme heat and dryness we have been experiencing.  For weeks now the temperatures have been tip toeing and even exceeding records from years and years ago.  Weather people are issuing heat advisories and warning folks to stay inside, stay hydrated, be careful not to become over heated.  They talk about the temperature and the "feels like" temperature.  I had a fella tell me the other day, "If it "feels like" 110 degrees, its 110 degrees"  I tend to agree.  We have been overwhelmed this week with smoke blowing in from wildfires that are active all around us. 
Hang in there with me for a minute. 

Everyday I drive into my subdivision and I see yard after yard.  There are some that are lush and green and well manicured and just a sight to behold.  Most at this time are a drab shade of brown, slightly unkempt.  Then there is mine, dead as a hammer.  It is beginning to look like a dirt lot.  If I were to water it, (which I don't to conserve water) I would have to water 6 hours a day to keep up with the heat.  So, I made a decision to let it be and come what may.  As it turns out, a dead lawn is my reward.  I am OK with that for now.  I got excited earlier this week because of a couple of pretty heavy rain storms.  More rain than we have seen in months.  I thought for a moment that maybe my lawn would revive, but it does not look promising.

Is your faith dried up and dying or maybe even already dead?  Do you find that it is just easier to let the cards fall where they will?  Did you know that just like an occasional rain shower will not provide sufficient moisture for my lawn, an occasional trip to church on Sunday morning will not nourish your soul?  You cannot expect to be in fellowship with Jesus if you do not position yourself to be fed.  The bible is very clear in Hebrews 10:25 that we are to be in fellowship with other believers. 

Here at Grace Community Church we have a heart to see people who love Jesus minister to other people who love Jesus.  We also have a heart to teach those that do not know Him personally, how to have a vibrant and eternal relationship with Jesus, the King of the Universe and the Savoir of us all.  Do not be satisfied with just getting dripped on occasionally, align with a local body of believers that teaches about Jesus Christ and allow yourself to be drenched by the Holy Spirit so that you may produce spiritual fruit that builds up the kingdom.  After all, that it what we are supposed to be doing while we wait in His return.  Are you ready?  He is ready for you!

Hebrews 10:23-25
23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. 24And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Who Invented Forgiveness Anyway?

As a follower of Christ, forgiveness is at the very foundation of my faith.  Is the same true for you? Do we understand the full context of forgiveness and how it impacts our ability to have a relationship with Jesus Christ?  How about the way forgiveness impacts our eternity?  We have spent the last four weeks hearing from Pastor Charles about forgiveness and what the bible has to say regarding this topic.  Were you impacted by this series?  It has served as a great reminder to me, a reminder that I need to forgive.  I need to forgive each and every day and sometimes I need to forgive every five minutes. 
When I consider all I have done in my life that requires forgiveness I cannot imagine a life in eternity separated from Christ, the Forgiver!  See, I have spent the last three weeks trying to change my perspective about the sin in my life and how it impacts me.  I want to be more concerned about how my sin impacts Jesus!  I want to understand that when I have sin in my life that others are affected and that is not a good thing.  But more importantly, when I sin I break the very heart of God.  I want to be able to experience that same brokenness.  I do not want to throw around the word forgiveness like I throw around the word hello!  Forgiveness always comes at a cost, and for those of us that know Jesus as our personal savior that cost was death!  Death on a cross that was brutal and awful and painful and humiliating.  And He did it because He loved you and me and because He wanted us to be together with Him forever and ever.  We must understand the cost of forgiveness, and we must understand the importance of forgiveness.  We must understand the freedom that comes from forgiveness.  We must follow the example that was set for us by our savior.  Be reminded of what we read in the book of Colossians in Chapter 3:13
“bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive”  There is a Godly example of forgiveness that is not open to interpretation and alteration.  Jesus forgives us and if He lives in us, we must overcome unforgiveness if we expect to experience all He has for us.  Sometimes it is not easy to forgive, remember, it was not easy to hang on a cross.  On a final note, please keep in mind, forgiveness is for the benefit and well being of the forgiver not the forgiven.  You are not having any impact on those that hurt you by harboring unforgiveness.  But, where do I start?  On your knees!  Ask the inventor of Forgiveness to help you get started.  Maybe you need to forgive yourself before you can extend forgiveness to others. I would love to pray with you and for you. 
Waiting on Him,

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Its Hard to Come Home...

It is so hard to imagine that a week ago we were on buses beaded to FL for SummerCamp. What an awesome week we had! It happens every year... months and months of planning, praying, rethinking, replanning, more praying, summer camp lands upon me like a ton of bricks. As usual, God works out the details that I try to struggle with. As usual, our students come through with signed release forms and balances due. As usual, an incredible team of adult leaders raise their hands and say "here I am, send me". Then they take time off of work or time away from family and they come serve in ministry. As usual, my wife stands by my side and fills the gaps and helps with my shortcomings. As usual our church family prays fervently and gives generously so nobody has to stay home. And... as usual, God was waiting on us when we got there. He had prepared the hearts of our hosts and the worship team and our speaker. He prepared the weather and the local people we would encounter.

And as usual, the lives of our students were changed. At least 4 of them were changed for eternity and several others commited to regain what they had allowed to fade. As usual, God was smiling at the work He did through the obedience of His people. As usual I am humbled by having the blessing of youth ministry as my life's work.

Waiting on Him,

Michael P. Lane
Student Minister Grace Comm. Church

Friday, June 3, 2011

Hang on For Life

Can you believe that we are in Day 3 of camp?  Why is it that 1 week of schools seems to drag on for 3 ½ months and 1 week of camp goes by in less than 15 minutes?  I am not ready for it to be over.  I am not ready for us to go back home and get back into our same old routines.  I am not ready to stop living life by the lake with the boats, tubes, skis and kayaks.  I am certainly not ready to leave the relationships that I have been allowed to build here, or the worship and teaching we have experienced. But, we have responsibilities and lives back in Rincon so tomorrow we will have our final session and head home.  So…, what are you going to do differently when you get back home?  Will you continue the sale old ways, doing the same old things, thinking the same old thoughts and living the same old life?  Or, will you take to heart what you have heard this week?  Will you remember those passages from Galatians, John, Matthew, Acts and others?  Will you apply these principles in your life?

As I was driving the boat yesterday and pulling the kids around on tubes, floats and hot dogs I began to think about how similar our walk with Christ is to being behind the boat.  See, there are a number of factors that determine how long the ride will last.  There is the condition of the water, the speed of the boat, the skills of the driver (Mine were great), other riders.  In life, we are faced with rough waters making a relationship with Christ difficult.  Jesus is driving the boat and He has all the needed skills.  Others in life can either encourage and build up or they can move around and make the tube get flipped over.   See, you need to keep your eyes firmly fixed on the driver and regardless of what circumstances are, HANG ON FOR LIFE!  Just know, when you get flung off and shot across the water, Jesus will circle around and pick you up.
mr mike  

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Well, day 1 of camp is officially behind us.  Where to begin?  What an amazing day we had yesterday here in Lake Placid FL.  This is a beautiful place on Earth that God has created and we are thankful that we get t spend a few days enjoying it. 

So yesterday our plan was to spend the morning doing some community outreach here in LP.  A local pastor here had arranged some projects for us to work on before the group from the other church arrived.  So as we get ready to leave one of my adult leaders, notices that one of the rear tires on the bus he is driving is dry rotted and has lost all of its air.  Now, it has dual wheels and the inner tire is fine.  We determine that is it safe to drive the 1.5 miles to the meeting place and then we will get it taken care of.  So as we are forced to change plans due to transportation issues we end up setting up a car wash at the local church.  This is a free car wash where no donations are accepted.  We talk about how hard it will be for some folks to accept a free gift.  We discuss how sometimes the person giving is the one being blessed.  I emphasized how important it was for people to understand that the Jesus in us compelled us to serve them in this way.

So, we are referred to a local tire shop by the pastor and when we arrive he had already called so we were expected.  The owner greeted us outside, knew the exact tire we needed. (It takes 4 days to order and receive this type of tire)  He happened to have a used tire in exactly the size we needed.  At this point he asked his employee to stop what he was working on and take care of the bus tire.  So in 20 minutes or so we were ready to go.  When I asked the total he shook my hand and said to have a great week!  I began to argue and insist that he allow me to pay him and his words stopped me in my tracks as he squeezed my hand a little harder he said, “Be blessed”.  Wow, who am I to argue with the guy trying to be an extension of God’s grace.  You know, some people have a really hard time accepting a free gift. 

Waiting on Him,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Howdy Stranger!

Well, I am sorry that it has been so long.  I have truly missed sharing what God has been doing.  It has been a craze 6 weeks and I will not make any other excuses.  What I will do is tell you that GCC Student ministry has arrived in Lake Placid FL for our summer camp.  If you have not been to this facility, you should check it out.  It is beautiful

We have along with us 34 students and 9 adult leaders.  What a blessing to see so many willing servants and so many students that desire a closer with with HIM.  We will be joined later today by some students from First Baptist Church of Rincon and will spend the next 4 days with them.  Our theme this week is "Turning the World Upside Down for Christ" based on Acts 17:6.  In addition to worship, teaching, fellowship and studying God's word, we will be boating, skiing, tubing, kayaking, canoeing, swimming and just having more stinkin' fun than the law should allow!

So, if you have a few minutes each day this week, will you please pray for our adult leaders and our kids.  Pray that God would reveal himself to us in a mighty way.  Please check back soon for more updates.  I promise to not stay away so long!

Waiting on Him,