Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stop, Drop & Roll, er… Worship

Shortly after Peter confessed his belief that Jesus was Lord, Jesus took him and a couple of their buddies on a walk.  It was likely more of a hike since there was a mountain involved.  With Jesus, you never know what you are in for.  If He had shared with them where they were going and what they would be doing there would have been so many questions and so much doubt!  Isn't that the way we are?  That is why God often times only reveals small glimpses of His plan because we have the tendency ensure that our will is done.

So they get up on this mountain and here comes Moses and Elijah.  Wait a minute...  These guys have not been around for a while.  This is a little freaky.  And why is Jesus glowing?  Peter is so impressed and decides the occasion needs to be marked by building 3 tents as sort of a shrine for each of them.  As he is making his plans God's voice thunders down and He affirms His Son Jesus. 

Well, there goes Peter's plans.  He forgets about the building plans and falls to the ground.  Not from fear, not from pain, not because he didn't get his way... HE WORSHIPPED.  Our plans are really not that important when considered in light of God and His will for our lives.  Sometimes we just need to be still and know He is God! 

God would you help us today to take time just to worship.  Help us set aside our plans and just be in awe of You.  Help us to not burdened by the cares of this world but to have our hearts set on things with eternal value.  Help us to love you with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength.  Amen.

Waiting on Him,

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